Why I Moved: How Family-and Humor-Made Ireland Home

Michael Sable, an American, moved to Dublin in 2016 after a career change and a connection to his Irish heritage through his grandparents. Initially considering it a short-term adventure, he has now spent eight years in the city, running comedy nights and documenting his experiences online. Although he humorously cited potential political reasons for his move, it was truly his family history and the welcoming community that made him stay. Despite future uncertainties, Sable feels a strong connection to Ireland and is in no hurry to leave.
'I wouldn't be opposed to it in the future, but not right now,' the 31-year-old communications manager tells Condé Nast Traveler over the phone. 'The people really keep me here.'
'I had been to Ireland twice, once when I was 6 and once when I was 18-two very different trips...living in Ireland had been something that was just kind of in my head.'
'I figured, you know, I'll try it for three months and if I don't get a job I'll just move back and call it a really long vacation. But here I am, eight years later.'
'The joke answer is that in 2016 I had been saying that if Trump won the election, I would move to Ireland...But in reality, the company I was working for was bought out...'
'My grandparents emigrated from Ireland, meaning I was able to get Irish citizenship through descent. My dad had actually gotten it for me while I was growing up.'
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