Why Does My Dog Hump His Bed Even After Being Neutered?

The article discusses the amusing yet awkward behavior of the author's dog, Chester, who has developed a habit of humping his dog bed. Seeking insight into this behavior, the author consults two veterinarians who explain that such actions are common in dogs regardless of their age, sex, or neuter status. Contrary to popular belief, they clarify that humping is not primarily about dominance but often stems from excitement, playfulness, or even as a means of relieving stress or anxiety.
“Mounting can be a behavior demonstrated by virtually any dog - of any age, sex, neuter status, and breed.” - Dr. Zenithson Ng
“It's often for play or excitement, especially in younger dogs, and can also serve as a way to relieve stress or anxiety.” - Dr. Jenevieve Price
Read at Scary Mommy