We're still in survival mode': anger persists in Valencia weeks after floods

The warm Valencia air, still thick with dust and carrying a residual note of mud and damp concrete, begins to reek on the approach to the roadside dump where diggers toil, gulls scavenge and the detritus of countless everyday lives rises in mounds.
On 29 October, the eastern Spanish region was pummelled by rains so heavy that a year's worth of water fell in some areas over the space of just eight hours.
While the mud and cars and debris may have been cleared from the streets over the past few weeks much of it by an army of volunteers from all over Spain life for those in some of the hardest-hit areas remains in disarray.
In the town of Paiporta, known as the ground zero of the floods, people queue outside the municipal concert hall for food, water and toiletries that are dispensed by soldiers.
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