In a recent NYT feature, members of the band waxed philosophically about the proliferation of gentrification in those Williamsburg neighborhoods where they could once go from their apartment to their barista job and then to the rehearsal space all within a few blocks. Certain San Franciscans will relate to those stories; actually, I can relate to those stories specifically in the Mission decades ago, where work, band rehearsal spaces, bookstores, and bars of choice all revolve within an eight-block radius.
It seems after 15 or so years of confusion, missed phone calls, and/or deleted emails, the NPR Music team can cross off a "white whale" band they've wanted at the Tiny Desk since its inception. TV on The Radio is making the rounds, performing live once again (for the first time in five years) per the 20th anniversary release of their debut record, Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes.