Just two weeks after the UK transitioned to an electronic visa system, serious challenges have arisen for travelers proving their immigration status. Millions now have their immigration documents replaced with an online system, leading to complications at airports and with essential services like healthcare and housing. Warnings from civil society and migrant support organizations went unheeded by the Home Office, despite the potential for these issues. Refugees are particularly affected, struggling with online account access vital for their social and financial security.
Despite previous warnings from civil society groups, many travelers are struggling to prove their immigration status under the recently implemented eVisa system.
Non-native populations experience significant barriers in accessing essential services due to the complications arising from the transition to a completely digital immigration status.
Many have already reported issues when flying back to the UK, struggling to prove their immigration status to airport staff, raising concerns over the eVisa system's functionality.
Refugees face additional technological barriers, unable to set up accounts necessary for essential services like banking and housing, resulting in increased vulnerability.