Gülen, who founded a powerful religious movement in Turkey known as Hizmet, had lived in a self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania after falling out with Erdoğan and his AK party.
Gülen has denied any involvement in the uprising. 'I really don't know 0.1% of the people in this movement,' Gulen said in the past. 'I haven't done much. I have just spoken out on what I believe.'
The failed coup in Turkey on 15 July 2016, aimed at removing Erdoğan from power, left 251 people dead and nearly 2,200 wounded after parts of the army took control of tanks, jets and helicopters.
After the 2016 coup, the Turkish government went on a series of crackdowns, arresting judges, army officers and soldiers, and journalists and suspending some 20,000 teaching licences.