At a rally in New Mexico, Trump acknowledged his advisers’ doubts about campaigning there, admitting they told him he couldn’t win. His visit aimed at shoring up rapport with the Hispanic community, reflecting on the mixed preferences for the terms 'Hispanic' and 'Latino'. He asked, 'Did you hear I'm at the highest point of any Republican in history? Now we'll get it. Okay. That's one step...So I'm here for one simple reason. I like you very much.'
Trump candidly addressed his motivations at the rally, stating, 'I like you very much. And it's good for my credentials with the Hispanic or Latino community.' He described the demographic nuances, noting, 'You know, in the East Coast, they like being called Hispanics. You know this on the West Coast, they like being called Latinos.' His tone reflected both an attempt to connect and an awareness of the sensitivities involved.