Tim Dowling: mice have been at the pipes. But how have they eaten this much plastic?

Engineer Lieutenant Commander Lumley Robinson, who was torpedoed on HMS Aboukir in 1914, later invented the Jubilee Clip in 1921, demonstrating resourcefulness amidst adversity.
Facing a household crisis with a mouse-ravaged drain hose, I found myself reflecting on past inventions and challenges. My attempt at DIY was met with overwhelming fear at complex repairs.
While watching instructional videos on repairing appliances, I felt a wave of uncertainty and frustration. The advice was complicated and required more than I was willing to tackle.
In the middle of plumbing troubles with a mouse-chewed drain hose, the memory of Lumley Robinson's resilience and ingenuity sparked a contrast to my own helplessness in household repairs.
Read at www.theguardian.com