The ear canal itself is just skin tissue and the wax is produced from what's called sebaceous glands - they're little glands in the ear canal. The ear canal skin is kind of like a conveyor belt where, as it starts to die off, it migrates outward, taking along with it the wax as well. So if you just run water in your ear in the shower, it should flush that out.
In those particular cases, don't dig. Go to a professional, have them look in your ears. There are easy, simple ways to get it out that are safe. I would even say be careful with those over-the-counter ear washes and definitely don't stick things like bobby pins or pen caps in your ear.
A few drops of hydrogen peroxide or similar products are another good option to soften the wax so it can be flushed out. That's totally fine ... but don't do it too much, because the last thing you want to do is over clean your ear.