This Former Conspiracy Theorist Is Sharing What Made Them Change Their Mind

"I used to be a 9/11 Truther, I thought the Bilderberg Group was using George W. Bush as a puppet to implement Agenda 21, and actively warned people about fluoride in their drinking water... When it didn't happen, I needed a plan for my life, so I finally went to college and learned how to do proper research."
"When I applied the same level of scrutiny to my own beliefs, they started to crumble, and over a few years, I de-radicalized myself. Ultimately, what I was upset about all along was the evil overlords hoarding the wealth instead of spending it on the things that would do the most good for the most people."
"A lot of the stuff I believed back then in the late '90s and 2000s has persisted or mutated into what is now QAnon, so I do have some insights into that mindset and those beliefs. Now, I see conspiracy theories as a modern version of fundamentalism, using paranoid misinformation in place of scripture."
"I don't hate them. I pity them because I used to be them, and I recognize the line of thinking that keeps them there."
Read at BuzzFeed