The data, analyzed by Rustic Pathways, reveals that despite New York City's wealth, the state ranks poorly in private jet usage, coming in at No. 48 with only 472 flights per 100,000 residents.
Alaska dominates the private jet scene with an astounding 4,996 jet flights per 100,000 people due largely to its geographical challenges, emphasizing the necessity of air travel in many regions.
As reported by Shayne Fitz-Coy, CEO of Rustic Pathways, "America flies more private jets than any other country in the world, with a grand total of 3,123,007 departures in the U.S." showing a notable trend of private jet dependency among Americans.
Florida, despite being ranked No. 8 for per capita departures, recorded the most overall with 369,838 private jet flights in 2023, indicating a high volume of activity in this sector.