'The View' is a pointless, irrelevant, Trump-loathing joke - cancel it

In my worst nightmares, I find myself trapped on a desert island with the hosts of 'The View.' And all day long, I'm subjected to them all snarling, whining, scowling, seething and cursing about the same thing: Donald Trump.
Whoopi Goldberg, who was suspended for saying the Holocaust wasn't about race, sits by the ocean howling that Trump is a deluded, ill-informed, race-baiting imbecile.
Ana Navarro, who said Trump was not elected legitimately in 2016 and spews constant bile-fueled abuse about him, resides under a palm tree, ranting that he's a lying election denier who deploys ugly rhetoric.
Sunny Hostin - who cruelly and heartlessly accused Nikki Haley of crying fake tears over her husband's deployment to war zones - wails to the lizards that Trump is a cruel, heartless, hypocritical charlatan.
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