On display was what is wrong, in my view, with the UN: a failure to execute what is already agreed. In 2015, member countries signed up to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), comprising 231 unique indicators and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. Only 17% of targets are on track.
I think the UN's plans need another acronym: GSD, for Get Stuff Done. The UN suffers from planning disease. A successful body should have 10% planning and 90% execution. In the UN, it's the other way around.
Achieving the SDGs demands action, not more planning. And that doesn't happen by consensus declaration. Unless the UN refocuses on execution, it will lag on results. And only results - tangible and measurable improvements to peoples' lives - will build trust in the UN system.
We established a philosophy of measurable impact and allocated extra money to national offices. We combined 34 health-related SDG indicators to create three 'triple billion' targets, each directed at improving the health and well-being of more than one billion people.
#united-nations #sustainable-development-goals #global-health #execution-vs-planning #policy-implementation