During routine aerial maneuvers in 2013, Navy F/A-18 fighter jets encountered a cluster of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) off the Virginia Beach coast. These objects, described as dark gray or black cubes inside clear spheres, exhibited incredible maneuvers including rapid acceleration and hovering ability without visible propulsion. Navy personnel, including former Lieutenant Ryan Graves, reported close encounters with these objects, which led to further sightings and documented incidents both in Virginia Beach and on the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt between 2013 and 2015.
We almost hit one of the objects; they came within 50 ft. of the lead aircraft, and that's really when we knew we were dealing with something a bit abnormal here.
There's no aircraft in our inventory I'm aware of that has the ability to operate at very low speeds, or no speeds, and then accelerate and operate like a fighter.