The "Intactivists" Campaigning Against the Cut

Anthony Losquadro, founder of Intaction, aims to reframe the circumcision debate by promoting a 'foreskin-positive' message. Members distribute pamphlets emphasizing the benefits of an intact body while sharing personal stories of being circumcised. Losquadro's philosophy argues that children should have rights over their own bodies, likening the circumcision debate to other rights issues. He emphasizes, humorously yet seriously, the idea that foreskin is not harmful and is about love and connection. The group's meetings often include lighthearted promotions with educational materials on the topic.
"We want to talk about the benefits of having a natural, intact body and not talk so much about the gloom and doom of circumcision."
"When it comes to babies' genitals, they have no rights. And, you know, what's wrong with the foreskin?"
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