The DEC's response to P'Nut killing is as bureaucratic as it gets

The DEC initially claimed the euthanization was necessary - that the panicked P'Nut chomped the finger of an agent during the nutso hours-long raid, and testing for rabies requires decapitation.
The agency plainly spun that tail, er, tale, to squeak free of the loud and swift public backlash. That account has now proved a fat fib: On Tuesday, The Post reported that the DEC was already planning on having poor P'Nut and Fred put down before the raid.
Spoiler: When The Post finally learned the results (from the county, not the DEC), it turned out P'Nut and Fred were rabies-free - never a danger in the first place to big, tough DEC agents or anyone else.
P'Nut and Fred's deaths are tragic for animal-lovers everywhere, but the state's dishonest dodging and obfuscation is the real scandal. It's just the behavior you'd expect from bureaucrats.
Read at New York Post