The 'common sense' attack on progressive policies and ideas - 48 hills

Mr. Lurie said he would stick with San Francisco's long-held liberal values, like standing up for the rights of immigrants, transgender people and women seeking abortions if Mr. Trump's administration tries to curb those rights.
His agenda, he said, amounts to "common sense." That's what the billionaire astroturf groups love to talk about. It's how news media increasingly describe neoliberal, pro-police, deregulation policies that were once defined as "conservative" or "right wing."
Isn't it "common sense" to realize that economic inequality is devastating US society? Isn't it "common sense" to think that affordable housing is the best solution to homelessness?
But "common sense" now means avoiding any type of discussion of class issues, not much discussion of race or gender issues, and an assumption that modern late-stage capitalism is the best of all possible systems.
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