Taliban-US prisoner swap: Two Americans exchanged for Afghan national

The US negotiated a prisoner exchange with the Taliban, trading two Americans for Khan Mohammed, a convict charged with drug trafficking and terrorism. The Taliban sees this as progress towards normalization with the US, however, widespread global recognition of their authority is still considered unlikely. One of the freed Americans, Ryan Corbett, was detained for nearly 894 days during a business trip, and his family thanked both US administrations and Qatar for the negotiations. Mohammed has returned to Afghanistan, according to officials, but no public celebrations followed his release.
Our hearts are filled with overwhelming gratitude and praise to God for sustaining Ryan's life and bringing him back home after what has been the most challenging and uncertain 894 days of our lives.
The Taliban's foreign ministry hailed the deal as a step toward the normalisation of ties between Afghanistan and the US, though broader international recognition remains unlikely.
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