Stardust families honour memory of victims as guests at Aras event

"While I know that the people of Ireland stand in solidarity with you in your loss, it is you yourselves and your families who have had to bear the grief of those tragic events, and... the long wait for information on those tragic events that was and is your right."
"Indeed, it was not just the long wait for information that was unacceptable, but also the additional hurt that was caused in the past by the regular reference to what were unfounded theories as to the cause of the fire."
"Darragh Mackin remains today, for all of us families of the deceased victims, an angel on earth sent to us."
"The President has given us this invitation to Áras an Uachtarainn, he's the President of Ireland. What he's doing today is a momentous day for all of us, for the 48, remembering them..."
Read at Irish Independent