Sen. Tammy Baldwin's Republican opponent FINALLY concedes election

"I have heard from numerous supporters urging me to challenge the election results. However, without a detailed review of all the ballots and their legitimacy, which will be difficult to obtain in the courts, a request for a recount would serve no purpose, because you will just be recounting the same ballots, regardless of their integrity."
"As a result, and my desire to not add to political strife through a contentious recount, I've decided to concede the election."
"At this point, 99 percent of all votes in the state have been counted, and Baldwin leads by more than 29,000 votes out of more than 3.3 million cast. That puts the Democrat's lead at less than one percentage point."
"Nationwide, vote-by-mail ballots have skewed Democrat for years, especially since Donald Trump started disparaging the practice before the 2020 election."
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