Screw You!' Joy Behars Loses It Over Trump's Bone Spurs' And Reported Attacks On World War II Veterans Like Her Father

Behar expressed her outrage on air: "I've been around a long time, you all know how old I am—I’ve never heard a presidential candidate speak highly of Hitler, ever." This passionate declaration underscored her discontent with Trump's alleged remarks about Hitler and veterans, revealing her personal connection through her family's military background.
After condemning Trump's comments about immigrants, Joy Behar straightforwardly said, "He’s an idiot! He’s an idiot! Come on. The guy is ridiculous," which encapsulated her blunt stance against the former president's rhetoric.
General John Kelly described Trump saying, "Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed," emphasizing his concerns about how Trump's mentality undermines values fundamental to the Constitution.
Highlighting Trump's past remarks, Kelly stated, "He had made admiring statements about Hitler, expressed contempt for disabled veterans, and categorized those who died for their country as losers and suckers," questioning Trump's respect for military service.
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