Sausage and sledgehammer used to free dog from pipe near Croydon

Firefighters in Croydon rescued Woodey, a distressed dog trapped in a drainpipe after a walk with its owner. Woodey's companion, Quincey, alerted the owners to his plight. Upon arrival, the fire brigade used a snake-eye camera to assess the situation and decided to break the pipe to safely extract Woodey. A frankfurter sausage helped lure him out after the pipe was opened. The incident lasted from 3pm to 4:37pm, showcasing the effectiveness of emergency services in animal rescue.
We decided to break the pipe, our main priority was to not scare the dog and to make sure he was absolutely safe.
Firefighters love animals too and we're ready, willing and able to assist distressed or injured animals.
The noise and echo coming from inside the pipe made it sound like Woodey was having trouble breathing.
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