Saturday Links: Amy Tan's Personal Archives Added To U.C. Berkeley's Bancroft Library Collection

The article discusses various events and news items, notably ESPN's Mark Jones facing backlash for misnaming the Golden Gate Bridge, Amy Tan's archives being moved to U.C. Berkeley, and a touching statement from a fired park ranger. It also touches on California's refusal to allow State Farm's utility bill hike, a woman's issues with Chase Bank, California's ranking for single people, and a fashion celebration at Villa Aberdeen. These stories highlight a mix of local cultural and societal themes.
An education park ranger for the National Park Service who was unceremoniously fired without notice by the current admin yesterday penned a very moving post: I am the lesson that showed your children that we live in a world of gifts- not commodities, that gratitude and reciprocity are the doorway to true abundance, not power, money, or fear.
The extensive personal archives of acclaimed Bay Area-born author Amy Tan over 60 boxes worth are set to be housed at U.C. Berkeley's Bancroft Library.
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