During a confirmation hearing for Health and Human Services secretary, Senator Bernie Sanders challenged Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about anti-vaccine onesies selling for $26 that say, “Unvaxxed. Unafraid.” Kennedy distanced himself from the organization selling them, claiming they don’t reflect his views. Yet, critics assert he has profited significantly from vaccine misinformation and other controversial health stances. The article highlights Sanders's disbelief at Kennedy's evasive responses and expresses broader skepticism towards Kennedy's integrity in addressing public health concerns.
Can you imagine Kennedy's minions saying 'no' if he called them and said, maybe those onesies might spread misinformation? Or maybe they're in poor taste?
Most of the world realizes he's a fraud now. My front-row seat 20 years ago isn't even that interesting. It just keeps me alert to his lies.
The mercury he's crusaded against, in childhood vaccines, was already taken out of them when he continued to insist it was poisoning us.
I spent 30 years trying to get mercury out of the fish in this country and nobody ever called me anti-fish.