In the aftermath of election day, a family formation attorney observed heightened concerns from LGBTQ+ clients regarding their rights to reproductive health and family. Many inquiries ranged from legal issues about birth certificates to choices about relocation due to a surge of anti-LGBTQ legislation. Despite having support from progressive political structures at the national level, the increase in conservative policies has left many feeling unsafe in their own states. This uncertainty complicates their decisions to stay or move in search of better legal protections and healthcare access.
In the wake of election day, my office phone and email exploded with concerned clients desperate for answers.
With a national undercurrent steeped in this new brand of conservativism, it didn't matter that we had a Democrat in the White House.
My clients are now faced with deciding whether or not they continue to live in their home state or move to a blue state.
My clients aren't asking me for legal advice alone - they are calling me and asking: 'Is it safe for me,?'