"Prostitute singer Moe readily admits he wants to please her—and, for that matter, any woman who withholds her approval in favor of pursuing justice. On the Dearborn noise rockers' debut, Attempted Martyr, he devotes an entire song to singing Kayrouz's praises..."
"Much like Kayrouz, who fled the Lebanese Civil War as a young woman and now funds community spaces in her former homeland, Prostitute's bold aesthetic choices risk concealing the fervency of their passion."
"During 'Senegal,' Ross Babinski's metal riffs gurgle like they're desperate for air. On 'M. Dada,' drummer Andrew Kaster hammers down like he's spawned additional limbs, racing to outpace bassist Dylan Zaranski... the sheer volume of their collective experimental aggression makes 'Judge' almost meditative."
"Noise rock frontmen are practically required to holler and scream like they're losing their minds, and while Moe observes this unspoken rule, there's something else driving his madness."