Prep Spotlight: Retired U.S. Army officer has Mt. Diablo girls basketball team on a roll

The Mt. Diablo girls basketball team, under the leadership of retired Army officer Ronnie McGee, plays intensely and diligently. McGee leverages his military experience to instill discipline and teach leadership skills, emphasizing the importance of facing tough competition. His methods reflect a commitment to developing each player’s abilities and fostering teamwork, culminating in a competitive record within the Diablo Athletic League. McGee's philosophy promotes resilience and hard work, positioning the team for a potential playoff appearance for the fourth consecutive year.
Pressure relieves pressure, and iron sharpens iron. If you want to be considered an elite team, you cannot be afraid to play good competition. ... I'm proud of my girls for playing hard, not giving up, and playing hard every second and not giving up an inch on the court.
It teaches you different types of leadership styles, and because all players are different, it teaches you how to have a relationship with each different player and bring it into a team environment.
It taught me how to teach young people how to overcome adversity and the different challenges in life, and how to be disciplined and how to work as a team.
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