Recent Gallup findings reveal a significant decline in American satisfaction regarding key national issues since 2017. While dissatisfaction prevailed in areas like poverty, homelessness, and moral climate, a sense of satisfaction was noted in five areas, particularly the nation's military strength. Reportedly, bipartisan agreement centered on overall quality of life, although satisfaction levels have decreased by 18 percentage points since 2017. Amidst varying partisan perspectives, Republican satisfaction appears to be improving while Democrats exhibit increasing pessimism, highlighting a key shift in public sentiment since Donald Trump took office in 2017.
Across 31 issue areas, Americans were most dissatisfied with the country's efforts to deal with poverty and homelessness, showing a significant national concern.
Only one issue area garnered a majority of satisfaction from both sides of the political aisle: The overall quality of life, though satisfaction has dropped by 18 points since 2017.