Pipe dreams: Pau Buscato's surreal streets in pictures

Buscato masterfully captures illusion. The yellow board that the man holds aligns with the missing paint of the car, creating an optical illusion that blurs the barrier between the two. This alignment of colours and forms demonstrates Buscato's ability to discover harmony in the most unexpected places.
The reflection merges with the surrounding landscape, resulting in an abstract dialogue between the seen and the unseen. Buscatos ingenious play on perception challenges the viewer to reconsider the relationship between the tangible and the fleeting.
Buscato captures a moment of serendipity; a pigeon in flight aligns with a sequence of painted birds on a construction wall. The peeling fabric on the scaffolding adds a sense of metamorphosis to the image, as if the pigeon is about to become real.
Buscatos photographs play on the tension between humour and abstraction, as the striking red of the fabric serves as a bold canvas for a visual narrative that feels playful and ambiguous.
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