People Are Sharing Stories Of Trump Voters In Their Life Who Regret Their Vote, And Yiiikes

"My government contractor colleague who voted for Trump and then found out after the election that he intends to fire federal contractors on day one. Oops." -Anonymous
"I'm a 5th-grade teacher and have quite a few special-needs students with 504 Plans, IEPs, and other accommodations for their disabilities. Quite a few parents at my school voted for Trump because they thought he'd lower the cost of living... Now that Trump has won, they're freaking out. They didn't realize that their kid would be personally affected by the Department of Education being dismantled." -Anonymous
"Someone I know has issues with cancer and needs the insurance but didn't realize they may lose it due to pre-existing conditions." -Anonymous
"At work, everyone was talking about the election all very pleased... However, the chatter at work has gone quiet since the Cabinet nominations started being announced as if no one wants to discuss the hilarious choices Trump has for his Cabinet." -Anonymous
Read at BuzzFeed