"The race is not always to the swift, according to St. Paul, and he might have added that the ball game is not always to the better pitcher... Sam Jones, the Yankee right-hander, pitched better than Artie Nehf, the Giant southpaw, as observation and the records clearly prove, but the Giants won because Charles D. ('Casey') Stengel crashed a home run into the right field bleachers... a home run is largely a matter of fortuitous circumstance... one hit may make a baseball winter."
"Man's first effort to break up a hurricane began today when three army planes took off from MacDill Field to drop dry ice on the diminishing center of a tropical storm over the Atlantic. Two B-17s were loaded with dry ice pellets to drop into the storm, while a Superfortress carrying army and navy personnel, photographers and General Electric scientists went along to record results of the experiment, known as 'Operation Cirrus.'"