"We've helped with a lot of wildfires here in California, and I knew immediately this is really bad and shelter is going to be the biggest thing," said Woody Faircloth, founder of EmergencyRV.org. The nonprofit's been delivering donated RVs to families devastated by disaster since the Camp Fire, when he and his daughter drove from their home in Denver to Paradise to deliver an RV.
"Right now, what we're doing in L.A. so soon, while the fire's still ongoing, is we're trying to find suitable places to park RVs once we start delivering them," said Faircloth, asking anyone with an RV in good condition to consider helping out.
"We can give them the full appraised value as a tax deduction, so they can get rid of the RV that they don't use anymore," he said. "And, it can be used to shelter a family, and then we gift it to the recipient family, so they have something to kind of start over with and get back on their feet again."