The waiting times for driving tests vary drastically across Ireland, with Kildare having the longest estimated wait of up to 30 weeks and Mayo the shortest at 11 weeks. This disparity reflects regional challenges in managing the demand for driving tests, highlighting the urgent need for improved scheduling and resource allocation to better serve learner drivers.
Despite ongoing efforts to address testing delays, the number of no-shows for driving tests has risen consistently over the past year. According to Road Safety Authority data, the monthly average of drivers failing to attend scheduled tests increased from 537 to 668. This trend complicates the situation further and calls for more rigorous engagement strategies to minimize these no-shows and better manage the waiting time challenges.
In Kildare, if a learner driver books a test between October 30 and November 4, they could expect their appointment to be scheduled for late May or early June 2025, indicating a staggering eight-month wait time. In contrast, a learner in Mayo booking during the same window would likely have their test within just a few weeks, around February 2024.
Road safety campaigners are calling for immediate action, emphasizing that without a concerted effort to recruit and train additional testers, learner drivers will continue to face significant waiting periods across various counties. The disparities not only affect accessibility but also the learners' ability to progress towards obtaining their licenses.