Parents in Brooklyn are demanding a change to the protected bike lane on Bedford Avenue after several incidents where children were hit by cyclists while trying to reach school buses. The parents have reported multiple crashes, including alarming videos showing these near misses. While the city has acknowledged their concerns, parents feel their pleas have not been adequately addressed. They are urging officials to temporarily close the bike lane during peak times when school children are getting on and off the buses to ensure their safety.
There's many that we didn't document. Many people don't like everyone to see how they fall and get hospitalized and have the ambulance coming down here. Actually, as we speak, an adult, a pedestrian was hit and he's still in the hospital.
We called almost every number available. We email every email address available. We are getting like, answers to calm us down, that we are on the issue. 'We will adjust it. We will fix it.'
Until you figure it out, close this bike lane for a few hours when the smallest, most vulnerable children go on and off the bus.
Parents in Williamsburg say there's been a steady stream of crashes like these since this portion of the protected bike lane on Bedford Avenue was installed late last year.