With three relatives now dead, the Mayfairs know that something or someone is hunting them, and the above-board reason for Rowan's last-minute family reunion is a group protection spell. What the Mayfairs don't know is that Rowan's protection spell is a placebo, and they are essentially Lasher-bait (Lasher is attracted to Mayfairs by their smell, so how could he resist the combined aromas of 80-odd Mayfairs in one place?). Nor do they know that Lasher is the aforementioned murderous predator.
Perhaps my favorite part of this plan is that everyone keeps telling Rowan that, loose psycho killer or not, the Mayfairs won't go anywhere without the promise of an open bar and passed apps. And even then, they'll probably be late. 'Well, yes, there will be cocktails and charcuterie, of course,' Cortland tells some cousin on the phone. And Jojo brought crawfish beignets!
And when free prosecco, hors d'oeuvres, and a protection spell aren't enough of a draw, Cortland is also telling the relatives that Lasher - whom most of the family views as a sort of personal Jesus - will also be there and available for heart-to-hearts. This is a rogue move that does not thrill Rowan, but she is advised absolutely against telling anyone.