Mass. 1st District congressional race: Richard Neal vs. Nadia Milleron

Milleron stated, 'Since losing our daughter, Samya, in the 2019 Boeing crash - a preventable tragedy - I've been fighting against corporate negligence and greed that led to her death and continues to harm people.' Her motivation stems from a deeply personal loss, aiming to bring effective change.
Milleron criticized current Congressman Neal, saying, 'My Congressman, Richard Neal, serves special interests and big-money donors and is non-responsive to constituents. Change from his way of doing things is needed.' This emphasizes her desire for accountability and transparency.
Milleron pointed out the electoral landscape, noting, 'During this election cycle there is no Republican opponent. Right now we have the numbers to win: 337,000 unenrolled voters, like me, out of a total of 515,000.' Her strategy leverages the current political situation.
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