'We are following these two lights that are up above us that are kind of jogging back-and-forth, left and right, for the past, like, half hour.' This statement reflects the bafflement of pilots observing peculiar aerial phenomena while flying into Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.
The lights were quite a bit above us on the horizon. My first thought was satellites, but they kept getting super bright and [going] away over and over.' This highlights the pilots' initial assumptions and the unusual behavior of the lights that suggested they were not ordinary satellites.
'It's gonna sound a little weird,' the pilot can be heard telling Fort Worth air traffic control (ATC) in real time, but [...] they get super bright and then go completely dim also.' This indicates the extraordinary nature of the observed lights, adding to the mystery.
The Spirit Airlines pilot reported seeing the UFOs moving ’real quick’ and observed them for about 'an hour or two in the northwest sky,' emphasizing the sustained and unusual nature of the sighting.