"This is the worst [it's ever been], said Cephas Museba, the manager of the hydropower plant on Zambia's side of the lake, who has worked for the country's national power company, Zesco, since 2005. He pointed out concrete beams that were usually under the reservoir's surface, highlighting the severe drop in water levels due to the drought. Everything brown there, down there, is supposed to be under water, Museba said, indicating the drastic changes brought about by climate conditions."
"Under the heat of the dry-season sun, the lake looks vast, serene, yet the recent severe El Nino-induced dry spell has severely impacted southern Africa, marking the worst mid-rainy season dry spell in a century. This crisis has led to water rationing and unprecedented power cuts in both Zambia and Zimbabwe, significantly affecting the economies and livelihoods of people in those countries."