'Our firm has noticed a recent uptick in clients contacting us to discuss divorce proceedings, specifically with concerns about possible changes in law regarding no-fault divorces,' Gaudio noted. 'Awareness of no-fault divorce has grown significantly in recent years, alongside concerns about the potential for local governments to limit or eliminate its availability.'
'In a fault divorce, one spouse claims that the other is responsible for the breakdown of the marriage due to specific wrongful conduct,' Gaudio explained. 'Unlike no-fault divorces, a fault divorce requires proving that one spouse's actions caused the separation. Therefore, if no-fault divorce laws were overturned, proving a fault ground ― such as adultery, cruelty or abandonment ― would become necessary to obtain a divorce.'
'Regardless of where either spouse sits on the political spectrum and the disagreements the election results produced, there is an increase in interest in divorce following the election because couples in peril know the ease with which an individual can unilaterally pursue divorce based on 'no fault' may be subject to change,' said Alan R. Feigenbaum.