Joe Scarborough Rips Into Dems for Focusing on Identity and Cultural Issues: Kids Are Afraid to Speak in Class Because They'll Be Canceled!'

Geist recounted a local race where he lives, which he described as a rural area outside the city: I live in a relatively rural area outside the city. There was a local race there, and the Republican changed her signs picking up on this. And every sign said Save Girls Sports. It was just her name for a long time. And she said, if you read and talk to people around the campaign, she couldn't print enough of those signs. People were driving by saying, I want one of those for my yard. When it was just her name, they said, Oh, it's another candidate. I don't even know who she is or what she's running for. Save Girls Sports, and they were all over the place.
Brzezinski read the following passage from the Bai piece: I do think the prosecutions fed a narrative of Trump as a victim. I also think Democrats dug themselves into a hole on cultural issues and identity politics. Trump's vicious transgender ad in the closing weeks [She's for they/them, he's for you] was probably the most effective of the cycle. I think that probably landed with a lot of traditionally Democratic voters who feel like the party is consumed with the cultural issues while the economic issues don't really change.
Scarborough then laced into the moment, expressing deep concern about how the Democratic Party's engagement with identity politics and cultural issues has seemingly alienated some voters, effectively making them sympathetic to Trump's narrative as an outsider and victim. This dynamic underscores the challenges for Democrats moving forward as they grapple with the shifting landscape of voter sentiment, particularly in rural areas.
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