'It's like living in a slum': Parents despair at dog poo covered roads around school

Parents of children attending Jenny Hammond Primary School have voiced their outrage over persistent dog waste covering local roads, particularly Cary Road and its connected streets. Harriet Toner described daily encounters with dog muck, claiming past complaints to Waltham Forest Council have gone unaddressed. Many parents express frustration in local WhatsApp chats, citing the problem's impact on their family life. Councillor Clyde Loakes acknowledged residents' concerns and emphasized efforts to maintain clean neighborhoods while noting that most dog owners act responsibly.
Every single day there is fresh dog muck on the pavement. It's like living in a slum. It's been going on for a while but it's definitely got worse recently.
In the five years of living in the area, I have never walked down Napier Road and not had to dodge dog poo. I have had to wipe it off my children's shoes.
We encourage our children to respect their community and this just undermines it all. The rubbish and dog poo is really starting to upset our family life.
We know that clean, tidy streets are a priority for residents. The vast majority of dog owners are responsible owners.
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