In states that ban abortion, social safety net programs often fail families

"I was going to have my child no matter what, but for other women, that's kind of a crappy situation that they put you in," said Cagnacci, emphasizing the need for better post-birth support as she experiences Tennessee's inadequate social services firsthand.
"It's survival, every day," said Janie Busbee, founder of Mother to Mother, highlighting the constant struggle low-income mothers face in Tennessee as they juggle the demands of motherhood with limited assistance.
"Tennessee's meager social services leave many moms struggling in a state where abortion is banned with limited exceptions," prompting concern over the implications of such policies on women's health and well-being.
"From the time a Tennessee woman gets pregnant, she faces greater obstacles to a healthy pregnancy, a healthy child and a financially stable family than the average American mom," illustrating the dire conditions low-income families endure.
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