ICE records show Biden administration planned detention expansion months ago

The documents obtained by the ACLU reveal that ICE's proposals for expanded immigration detention across eight states indicate a serious step towards a significant increase in the scale of immigrant detainment operations, amid the Biden administration's contradictory criticisms of Trump’s immigration policies.
Eunice Cho, senior staff attorney at the ACLU, emphasized, 'These records only further confirm ICE's work to expand immigration detention across the country.' This highlights the ongoing contradiction between the administration's public stance and the actions taken behind the scenes.
Private prison corporations, including GEO Group and CoreCivic, have actively responded to requests for proposals, showcasing a commitment to expanding facilities dedicated to immigrant detention. Such collaborations indicate a deepening complicity in the administration's immigration enforcement strategy.
The potential expansion of detention facilities in eight states points to a troubling trend that may facilitate unprecedented deportation efforts under the Trump administration, suggesting a pre-election realignment of immigration enforcement priorities.
Read at Axios