I Sent a Pro Organizer a Photo of My "Nightmare" Kitchen Drawer, and Here's How She Fixed It

The kitchen cabinet spaces in our new apartment are different from our old apartment, so part of the reason I didn't want to deal with everything all at once when we were moving in was that it meant buying more stuff, and moving is already expensive enough as is.
One drawer in particular has become our default catchall. It houses everything: all of our kitchen utensils and tools, plus everything else that we just don't know where to put.
I even went so far as to tell people I thought the drawer was an eyesore and 'fugly.' The tipping point was realizing I had not one, not two, but three pairs of scissors bouncing around in that drawer.
I reached out to Jean Prominski, certified professional organizer and owner of Sparkle Home Organizing, to help me. I sent her pictures of my drawer with a little bit about what I wanted to achieve (a more functional space without the mess).
Read at Apartment Therapy