The article discusses a polyethylene-based metamaterial designed for acoustic control, focusing on relaxed micromorphic modeling. It explores the symmetry and shape of elastic tensors, examines dispersion curves, and evaluates model consistency when changing the unit cell's size and material properties. A thorough fitting of relaxed micromorphic parameters is presented, addressing scenarios with and without curvature. The results underscore the model's predictive capability regarding wave behavior, highlighting the intricacies involved in accurately capturing the dynamics of finite-size metamaterials, ultimately contributing to advancements in acoustic engineering.
The consistency of the relaxed micromorphic model is paramount when determining the effects of size and material properties on the acoustic metamaterial's behavior.
A plane strain harmonic ansatz for displacement and micro-distortion reveals key insights into the algebraic systems governing the wave propagation in metamaterials.
Fitting the relaxed micromorphic parameters, especially in the presence of curvature, offers significant insight into the predictive capabilities of the model.
Discussion on dispersion curves highlights the necessity for precise coefficients and the distinctions made between regular and enhanced kinetic energy scenarios.
#acoustic-metamaterials #relaxed-micromorphic-model #dispersion-curves #material-properties #finite-size-modeling