How Traveling With Family Made a Familiar Route in France Feel New Again

In the mornings Andrew and I ate poached eggs and salt-crusted potatoes at an outdoor table facing the central allée of the formal gardens while the boys plumbed the mazelike box hedges, looking for frogs the size of pennies. On a lower tier of land, the jardin exotique-planted with roses, crocosmia, and delphiniums-is dominated by a scene-stealing circular swimming pool that’s rimmed by a thick lawn and blue-and-white-striped umbrellas.
We found a wood-beamed game room with dress-up boxes, Foosball, and a billiards table. A chic outdoor playground, complete with trampolines and a zip line, is next to the potager garden.
This holiday would not include museums, as mine and Andrew’s had years ago. We went sightseeing in Crestet and Séguret and took the boys to see the lavender fields at the Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque.
Read at Conde Nast Traveler