How to stop a San Jose hummingbird bully from driving away other birds

Your little bully bird is most likely a male Anna's hummer. The male's head is covered in red feathers, and the Anna's hummingbird is a permanent resident of the Bay Area, finding our warmer winters preferable to a long migration.
Experts have two primary methods for handling bullies, and both involve more work for humans. You need to add feeders on your property. One method is to place the feeders near each other...
If you have a big yard, place them as far apart as you can. This way, Mr. Bully either won't see other birds at the feeders or will exhaust himself trying to guard them all.
A quick reminder to those with bird feeders of any sort, California Gov. Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency because of the avian bird flu.
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