Michael Zev Gordon returned to Szumowo, Poland, to honor his grandfather, Zalman Gorodecki, who was murdered in 1941 along with many other Polish Jews. This visit marked a pivotal moment for Gordon, who had only recently learned of his family’s tragic past through his grandmother's memoirs. The foundation Zapomniane has worked since 2014 to identify and commemorate lesser-known sites of Jewish massacres, addressing the historical silence within local communities. Their memorial efforts aim to acknowledge the victims and fill gaps in history that have been overlooked for decades.
Michael Zev Gordon reflects on his journey to Szumowo, stating, "I grew up with so much silence. But I wanted to find out, and the trip here was the culmination of that finding out."
Agnieszka Nieradko of the foundation Zapomniane emphasized, "Our work is based on information provided by local communities who get in touch with us because they want to commemorate the Jewish victims."
The memorial in Szumowo, established by Zapomniane, aims to address the historical silence by recognizing the Polish Jews murdered by German troops during the war.
Gordon's visit is not only personal but also symbolizes the broader effort to confront forgotten aspects of local history regarding Jewish massacres during WWII.