Here's A Supercut Of Groundhog Day In Punxsutawney | Defector

Groundhog Day is celebrated annually, featuring various animals making weather predictions. This year's event saw a new Fred la Marmotte predict six more weeks of winter, sparking debates among other weather oracles. Punxsutawney Phil, the most famous groundhog, lives in a burrow to ensure smooth ceremonies. The day's festivities resemble a musical, highlighting local culture. A supercut video features notable moments, including a new tone from Governor Josh Shapiro. Ultimately, Phil's shadow sighting is inconsequential to the charm of the celebration.
Phil saw his shadow, by the way, which I hope you will understand after watching this video is in no way the actual point of this gathering.
I have made a supercut of some of my favorite moments from yesterday's celebration at Gobbler's Knob.
Read at Defector