Government Accountability official says fraud does exist, but it's not widespread

President Trump and Elon Musk are intent on identifying and eradicating fraud within the federal government, justified by a recent GAO report. While the report indicates wastefulness in federal spending, GAO Director Rebecca Shea clarifies that much federal spending isn’t fraudulent, emphasizing that fraud requires legal proof. She suggests that Artificial Intelligence could enhance the detection of fraud within governmental operations, although it demands robust data access for efficacy. The administration has linked fraud eradication efforts to budgetary priorities, specifically targeting DEI initiatives contrary to their political agenda.
To call something fraud, you need to prove it in a criminal or civil case. Finding fraud takes a long time, and adjudicating it takes even longer, which fraudsters take advantage of.
AI does offer promise when we're able to use the data systems. There are a fair number of actual structured data sets that I think could be more readily used for fraud detection with AI capabilities.
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